Dermatology Treatment .
Lasers & Lights

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment or photo rejuvenation, a non-invasive and non-surgical skin treating procedure has completely changed the face of skin treatment (pun intended). This procedure is highly effective for treating pigmented cells and scars left behind by acne, sun spots, age spots, wrinkles, large visible pores, melasma, freckles, spider veins, and stretch marks.

  • You can use IPL to minimize or remove:
  • Age spots
  • Sun damage
  • Freckles
  • Birthmarks
  • Varicose veins
  • Broken blood vessels on your face
  • Rosacea
  • Hair on your face, neck, back, chest, legs, underarms, or bikini line

Before your IPL procedure, your skin care specialist will examine your skin and let you know what to expect. Let them know if you have any skin conditions that might affect healing after your treatment, such as inflammatory acne or eczema. Dr.vManishavBindal guides you properly for this treatment according to your skin conditions and need. So let yourself guide properly with the help of most experienced doctor at Bindal Clinic.