Dermatology Treatment .
Core Derma

Now days it is very rare to find such friendly and positive doctors who are so patient and greet every patient with positive vibrations. Dr. Manisha Bindal is exactly the one who practices her profession as service of God and treats her patients with full enthusiasm.

Leprosy is a slowly developing, progressive disease that damages the skin and nervous system. Leprosy is caused by an infection with Mycobacterium leprae or M. lepromatosis bacteria. Early symptoms begin in cooler areas of the body and include loss of sensation. The disease mainly affects the skin, the peripheral nerves, mucosal surfaces of the upper respiratory tract and the eyes. Leprosy is known to occur at all ages ranging from early infancy to very old age. Leprosy is curable and early treatment averts most disabilities. Leprosy spreads through contact with the mucus of an infected person. This usually occurs when the infected person sneezes or coughs. The disease isn't highly contagious. Close, repeated contact with an untreated person can lead to contracting leprosy.

The symptoms of leprosy can present differently in different people with the condition.

The main symptoms include:

  • The appearance of skin lesions that are lighter than normal skin and remain for weeks or months
  • Patches of skin with decreased sensation, such as touch, pain, and heat
  • Muscle weakness
  • Numbness in the hands, feet, legs, and arms, known as "glove and stocking anesthesia"
  • Eye problems
  • Enlarged nerves, especially in the elbows or knees
  • Stuffy nose and nosebleeds
  • curling of the fingers and thumb, caused by paralysis of small muscles in the hand
  • Ulcers on the soles of the feet.

Forms of Leprosy
Leprosy is defined by the number and type of skin sores you have. Specific symptoms and treatment depend on the type of leprosy you have. The types are:

A mild, less severe form of leprosy. People with this type have only one or a few patches of flat, pale-colored skin (paucibacillary leprosy). The affected area of skin may feel numb because of nerve damage underneath. Tuberculoid leprosy is less contagious than other forms.

A more severe form of the disease. It has widespread skin bumps and rashes (multibacillary leprosy), numbness, and muscle weakness. It is more contagious than tuberculoid leprosy.

People with this type of leprosy have symptoms of both the tuberculoid and lepromatous forms. Dr. Manisha Bindal in Meerut city is successfully treating various skin diseases with up to the mark diagnose and positively. If anyone from your acquaintances and circle is suffering from leprosy, a skin disease kindly refers him/her Dr. Manisha Bindal for the effective results.

Aesthetics – Chemical Peels
Aesthetic Dermatology is to treat the skin, hair & body using a treatment that is meant to improve a patient's appearance. Aesthetics primary purpose is to prove a person's look by reducing or eliminating imperfections. It boost your self confidence and revamp your whole body image. Dr. Manisha Bindal has many years of experience in this field i.e aesthetics. She treats patients through various beauty treatments and give them new confidence and a new look.

Over time the skin loses moisture and elasticity. The skin surface breaks down into wrinkles, acquires uneven tone, rough texture and can become dull looking. Patients experiencing one or more of these skin conditions will benefit from peels. Peels accelerate the removal of unproductive surface skin and enhance the skin's natural production of hyaluronic acid, collagen and epidermal growth factor to reveal a healthier skin with minimal downtime. A peel series can effectively reduce fine lines, smooth skin texture, even skin tone and improve moisture retention and elasticity in the skin tissue - all hallmarks of youthful, healthy glowing skin.

Chemical peels use carefully tailored chemical solutions to exfoliate the skin, causing it to peel away revealing smoother, more even skin. Chemical peels are differentiated by their ingredients, concentration and how long they are left on the skin. They may be used on the face, neck, hands or other areas of the body.

Chemical peels are very well tolerated. The best peel for your unique goals will be selected and applied to your treatment areas. You may experience a mild tingling or stinging sensation while the chemical solution takes effect. The procedure typically takes about 15 minutes. Chemical peels require limited downtime. The healing process differs with each specific chemical peel treatment. Immediately after treatment, your skin may appear pink and tender. Patients compare this feeling to sunburn. Several days after treatment, the dead skin will begin to peel, revealing noticeably smoother, more radiant skin.

So don't wait for any miracle. Give your skin its right to sparkle and to look beautiful. Dr. Manisha Bindal will help you to get your beautiful skin return with the help of peel treatment and you will definitely get assured results.

Female genitals diseases
STIs affect all populations and can make a huge impact on public health. Young women are especially at risk for developing serious long-term health complications as a result of untreated infections

Genital sores may appear as small, red, or flesh-colored bumps and blisters. Sores may also change appearance and become crusty or larger. Female genital sores have a number of causes, the most common of which are sexually transmitted infections, including herpes.

Lumps and bumps in and around the vagina may be itchy, painful, tender, or produce a discharge. Others may not cause any symptoms. The symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and outlook depend on the cause of the sores.

Here, at Bindals Clinic, Dr. Manisha Bindal examine the main causes of female genital sores, what treatments are available and how to prevent them.

Dr. Manisha Bindal treats all female genital problems from the root of the disease with an effective treatment and right diagnose.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections that are passed from one person to another through sexual contact. The causes of STDs are bacteria, parasites, yeast, and viruses. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), also called sexually transmitted infections (STIs), are infections that are passed from person to person through sexual contact. Some STDs can spread through the use of unsterilized drug needles, from mother to infant during childbirth or breast-feeding, and blood transfusions.

The genital areas are generally moist and warm environments, ideal for the growth of yeasts, viruses, and bacteria. People can transmit microorganisms that inhabit the skin or mucous membranes of the genitals. Infectious organisms can also move between people in semen, vaginal secretions, or blood during sexual intercourse.

Individuals pass on STDs more easily when they are not using contraceptive devices, such as condoms, dams, and sanitizing sex toys Some STDs can spread through the use of unsterilized drug needles, from mother to infant during childbirth or breast-feeding, and blood transfusions.

The genital areas are generally moist and warm environments, ideal for the growth of yeasts, viruses, and bacteria. People can transmit microorganisms that inhabit the skin or mucous membranes of the genitals. Infectious organisms can also move between people in semen, vaginal secretions, or blood during sexual intercourse.

Individuals pass on STDs more easily when they are not using contraceptive devices, such as condoms, dams, and sanitizing sex toys In many cases, STDs don’t cause noticeable symptoms. When they do, common STD symptoms in women include:

  • Pain or discomfort during sex or urination
  • Sores, bumps, or rashes on or around the vagina, anus, buttocks, thighs, or mouth
  • Unusual discharge or bleeding from the vagina
  • Itchiness in or around the vagina
  • The key to treating vaginal infections effectively is getting the right diagnosis.
  • Pay close attention to exactly which symptoms you have and when.

It's better to see your doctor before you try over-the-counter medications, even if you're pretty sure you know what you have. And in the way of treating vaginal diseases, an experienced doctor must be needed who understands all female problems. In Meerut city Dr. Manisha Bindal is the name that is known as a dermatologist, full of experience and humanity. Get your all problems treated right now only at Bindals Clinic